The lacksidasical entries was my little section to share a variety of my interests through different perspectives. But as you can make out from my earlier entries that its been till now just another blue(Chelsea for my non-football loving readers) tinted version of football(soccer for all the Yanks out there).
Its been roughly 5 weeks since I have shifted base from dry and sultry Delhi to cool and precipitating Seattle. From the old age charm to the new age splendor, from a cultural paradox to a cultural melting pot and finally and the most important, from a personal point of view, from a high school immature brat to a college immature brat.Its been quite a transition.
I figured that there was no point in sharing eclectic perspectives till you experience it yourself in person and I believe now that I have, its sharing time!
So Seattle, I will be honest there have been a lot of fucked(yes, there will be profanity on the lacksidasical E., its Seattle baby!!!) up moments. What with
- me leaving my passport in first cab ride I took in the city.
-me leaving my new cell phone in the second cab ride I took in the city(thanks, Shreshth)
- the average Wall Street executive having to make do with $50 million severance packages with $700 billion more on the way.
-me being called a Mexican, a half Brit,a Turkish immigrant and a Norwegian(do'nt ask) amongst many nationalities all because I have an accent which is minutely British.
- Chelsea being still called functional and Arsenal artistic, despite us outplaying those North Londoners aesthetically and tactically in the League( bless you Felipe)
- me still struggling to sleep before 4 in the morning everyday( its 5:33 am as I type this).
-Sarah Palin still being given airtime on TV( might as well put Tina Fey on, atleast scripted line reading is her profession).
-the Huskies continuing their proud losing tradition of recent years( why is everything native to Alaska such a bitch?).
-me making out for the first time since I got here and police messing it up by showing up at the frat.
-the bad light American beer at the same frat.
-me missing 3 out of my first 4 homework assignments due to lack of sleep.
-me watching In Bruges for nth time and wondering why the fuck has'nt anyone seen it in the whole of UW.
-me being stuck on an engineering floor without a single girl.
-me discussing Liverpool FC history with a drunk American who said he did not like football.
-Iceland hitting it with big boys of NATO and even managing to rile the most inscrutable Brit, Gordon Brown
-me being drunk at the aforementioned frat and shouting faggot cops, high fiving every person on the way and running towards the exit.
-me being obsessed with Oasis and Noel Gallagher, so much so that I call him my god now
-me getting an inferiority complex after an elevator ride with UW girls basketball team
-me wasting 60 minutes of my life which I will never recover by listening to a socialist crazy lady from Lebanon screaming her guts out.(even the free muffins they enticed me with were rubbish)
-nobody in Seattle giving a damn about grunge music and the legacy of Curt 'cocaine' Cobain.
-me leaving my dorm keys in the third cab ride I took in the city.
I guess despite all the fucked up moments, I tend to realize that I have learned more in these 5 weeks then I did the whole of last year that I took off after school.And as I in sit my dorm sipping fine Czech beer(happy birthday Marnix!!) and seeing In Bruges again, I just lie back and enjoy this fucked up yet strangely illuminating journey.