Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why I have despised the 'W'?

Unless you are as dumb as this gal, you must have realized by now that the past week has been a historic week. Yes, I finally got some sleep. The pillow, the blanket, the crumbled bed sheet and the cool Seattle breeze.Bliss!!
And yeah, that Obama guy became the new leader of the free world. But sleep, you just cannot beat it!!

But enough about historical world moments that make wrinkled, arthritis-riddled octogenarian, weep with joy at the words of a man he'd never met, on a day he never thought would come. Now, there is something that is really getting my goat;its between v and x and rhymes with sue(thats must be a pain in the ass Arnie,literally!!).


George Bush,A bore-fest of movie based on him by Oliver Stone, the Huskies,Waking up on time,getting Wasted far too often and Warren Buffett(just because his name starts with W,otherwise what a man!!)

George Bush and hatred go hand in hand now. Its pretty much a hegemonic discourse to say 'fuck bush' around the world.And you can understand why? I do'nt really want to get all political and start giving sermons in anti-bushism. Instead I will relive a story that took place during the transition period from Bill Clinton to George Bush in 2000.
Basically during this period 8 years back, everyone on Mr Bill Clinton's staff(except Monica ofcourse) decided to give old George a welcoming present.And it was not a beginners guide to English(you cheeky bastards).

No, some of them had the brilliantly ingenious idea to remove all the 'W 'keys from the keyboards inside the White House. And they say there is no humour left on Capitol Hill.

Frankly for me those fine people of randy Bill's staff showed a lot of foresight. I think the 'W' years, as the last 8 years should be called, have been a very dark part of America's history. You could argue that from an administrative point of view, U.S has been asleep (ahh!!).

But,wait for it,CHANGE has come. Or has it? Only time will tell. All I can hope is that I would'nt be pulling the 'O' from my keyboard 4 years down the line.

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